Disability Assistive Robots
Unlike robots made for industrial applications, service robots require their own specifications directed specifically at a very particular subset of end users – human beings.
It is Maxon Motor flat motors that enable such precise movement.
Jaco2 Robotic Arm
The Jaco2 robotic arm, created by Kinova Robotics, is a lightweight, quiet, and simple to use product for the service industry. This robotic arm is designed to be mounted to a wheelchair and offer assistance to the user. For this reason, weight was a crucial factor in order to avoid tipping over the wheelchair. The Jaco2 weights approximately 5.3 kg and moves around six degrees of freedom using six flat motors by Maxon motor.
These six degrees of freedom are possible due to six joints that varying from a shoulder-type joint down to a functional wrist joint. The motors, along with the degrees of freedom, allow the robotic arm to manipulate various payloads at both full and mid-range extension. At full extension, the arm can accommodate up to 1.5 kg in payload. At mid-extension, the maximum payload increases to about 2.5 kg. These maximum payloads are adequate to suit the needs of most disabled people during the normal course of living.
Maxon Motor EC 45 Flat Motors
The first three joints of this robotic arm utilize Maxon EC 45 flat brushless DC motors with maximum continuous torque of up to 134 mNm. These small, powerful, and compact motors fit in a 70 watt package. In addition to their size, another critical factor was the fact that they generated less heat through motor operation.
The second three joints in the Jaco2 use 30 watt EC 45 flat motors from Maxon motor. These, too, were chosen due to their low heat dissipation, as the motors are inside the robotic arm itself. Additionally, their compact size was ideal due to the motors being located within the arm. Finally, the fingers of the robot are controlled using Maxon EC 32 15 watt motors.
For more information regarding Maxon flat brushless DC motors, read the full article here or contact Electromate today!