JVL A/S, one of the world’s leading producers in the field of integrated servo and stepper motors, is announcing a new addition to its ServoStep™ motors, a directly mountable motor for driving spindles. It’s perfect for replacing hand wheels in format change applications.
All-in-one unit
ServoStep™ has everything built-in including motor, encoder, drive electronics, control electronics with ePLC™ and optional Ethernet or CAN bus integrated into one compact unit. All major industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, SERCOS, ModbusTCP/UDP and Powerlink are available.
Features include:
- Double Ball Bearings enabling up to 7100 N axial load
- Closed-loop control
- Energy efficient due to automatic current control
- Built-in ePLC™ with 8 DIO, 24V or 0-5V (12bit) analog input with advanced filtering
- Ultra-high resolution: 409600 step/rev
- Speed-resolution down to ±0.01 RPM
- Change speed or torque or other parameters ”on-the-fly” (while driving)
- Optional: CANopen protocol with DS 301 and DSP 401 support
- Optional: STO (safe torque off, SIL3)
Below versions can be delivered:
- Rolled ball screw up to 3 meters
- Captive version up to 127 mm travel length
- Motor without screw, for mounting of own screws
On request:
- Custom screw end machining
- Higher IP protection (for motor only)
- Trapeze lead screw with POM or brass material nut
- Teflon coating (only Captive version)
For further information, please contact:
Warren Osak
Toll Free Phone: 877-737-8698