The newest edition of driven, the maxon motor Magazine, is now available. Join Formula Renault 3.5 pilot Nico Müller on the racing track. Take a seat in the cockpit with him and learn more about why maxon’s DC motors are important for fast laps. The Magazine is available for free as an app for tablets and as a print version.
Experience drive technology interactively! Click below to download your copy.
Full throttle |
Fast, competitive, spectacular: The Formula Renault 3.5 is seen as a crucial stepping stone on the way into the premier class, the Formula 1. Ambitious racers do not just bring their talents – they also have maxon motors on board to control the throttle of their 530-HP V8 engines. read more |
Earth’s hot sister planet |
Venus is called our Earth’s sister planet but although the two have a similar diameter and mass, there are very large differences in their history and atmosphere. At temperatures up to 470 °C, Venus is a true hell. maxon motor has developed motors to withstand this extreme heat. read more |
Contest: Win two Formula1 tickets |
Who is winning? Tell us the right race car number and win two weekend tickets for the Formula 1 „Grosser Preis Santander von Deutschland“ from July 18 to 20, 2014 on the Hockenheim Ring. Join now! |
Tags: Maxon, Maxon Motor, Driven Magazine, Electromate