Thomson Compact Linear Actuators

Thomson's Compact Linear Systems are designed to meet exacting standards. From refining designs to ensuring timely project execution, their systems are geared to streamline every facet of your project.

Thomson's compact linear systems don't conform to a “one size fits all” philosophy. Instead, they are malleable, ready to be shaped based on your application requirements.

From a vast selection of lead screws, linear bearings, and guides, you can pick components that fit your vision.

If the standard architectures fall short of your expectations, they’re equipped to craft a system from scratch, ensuring every component, down to the mounting blocks, matches your specified shape and size.

Thomson’s experience spans diverse customer needs, and they've distilled this knowledge into three prime linear system configurations:

  1. The Narrow/Vertical (CLSV) focuses on a reduced footprint through a vertical alignment of the screw and profile rail bearing.
  2. Conversely, the Wide/Horizontal (CLSH) aims for a condensed system height by horizontally positioning these components.
  3. Lastly, the Round Rail (CLSR) offers a cost-efficient solution adept at managing high moment loading courtesy of a dual round rail guidance system.

Thomson's Compact Linear System Products: