Communications Subsystems

Electromate is a key distributor in the telecommunications, broadcasting, and entertainment industries. We specialize in supplying high-precision and high-reliability components for communication and entertainment subsystems. These components are essential for various applications, from managing sophisticated satellite communication signals to enhancing the performance of entertainment technologies.

We provide components for advanced applications like camera stabilization systems, used in aerial photography and filmmaking, and actuation systems for dynamic theater props, showcasing our range in the entertainment sector. Our understanding of the industry's demand for high-precision, reliable operation in diverse environments guides our product selection, emphasizing quality and performance.

Collaborating with leading manufacturers, Electromate ensures access to the most advanced and reliable hardware and services, meeting the stringent requirements of both the telecommunications and entertainment industries.

Communications Automation Whitepapers

Camera Stabilization with maxon Drives

maxon motors are used in camera stabilizer systems, allowing aerial images to be taken with clarity and accuracy. Photo Higher, a company based in New Zealand, designs, develops, and manufactures precision camera gimbal systems for Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Rotary Wing Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Gimbals provide users a stable and level platform from which to capture high-quality aerial images and must be lightweight, smooth, and stable.

Maxon Motors for Digital Cameras

Electromate supplies maxon motors like those used within the Leica S Digital SLR camera system for sharp photographs. Contact us today to learn more! Digital SLR cameras can take extremely sharp photographs regardless of the level of skill of the photographer – whether hobbyist or professional. The technology inside these cameras plays a crucial role in the photo quality.

Theater Prop Actuation Using the Tolomatic RSA50

A premier manufacturer of moving stage displays for top tier entertainers designed an overhead lighting device that transforms from a globe into individual petals forming a flower. Each "petal" needed to be actuated independently. The entire structure needed to be as lightweight as possible to attach above the stage in diverse locations and to minimize shipping costs since the display was to be transported globally. High ticket prices and large concert revenues at each event required a highly reliable actuator solution with 100% safety and no risk of failure.