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The TXM34IP-6DG StepSERVO integrated motor is a drive+motor unit, fusing a NEMA 34 step motor and a servo drive into a single device. Power to the drive, located at the rear of the motor, must be supplied by an external DC supply. See Related and Recommended Products below for compatible 48 volt DC power supplies.

StepSERVO technology combines the high torque capabilities of a step motor with the closed loop dynamic control of a servo system. The result is a highly customizable all-in-one motion control solution that operates quietly and efficiently, requiring only the minimum amount of current to maintain commanded position and velocity. Boost (or peak) torque that is higher than the rated holding torque increases the limits of acceleration, leading to faster cycle times. With software selectable servo loops that have been pre-tuned for various inertial loads, the TXM StepSERVO can be applied in systems where a traditional stepper would not be capable of achieving the high accuracy required.

The TXM34IP-6DG StepSERVOintegrated StepSERVO incorporates EtherNet/IP network communications, the widely used industrial protocol for manufacturing automation applications. Implicit (Class 1) and explicit (Class 3) messaging are supported. With EtherNet/IP users can control, configure and query the drive using an open, standards-based, industrial Ethernet connection at speeds up to 100 MBits/sec. All drive+motor features can be accessed over EtherNet/IP, including more than 100 commands and 130 registers for controlling motion, I/O, configuration, polling, math, register manipulation, and Q programming. This integrated StepSERVO can be operated in several different control modes, including Streaming Command mode using either SCL, Pulse & Direction mode, and Velocity mode, plus it has the ability to run a Q program stored in non-volatile memory. Q programs are created using Applied Motion’s Q Programmer™ software, which provides powerful commands for motion, I/O, conditional processing, multi-tasking, math functions, and more. All TXM34 units are setup, configured and tuned using Applied Motion’s Step-Servo Quick Tuner software with built in Q Programmer.

Each TXM34 integrated motor comes with 5 digital inputs, 3 digital outputs, and 1 analog input. The digital inputs accept signals of 5-24 VDC and can be used for connecting pulse & direction signals, end-of-travel limit switches, jog switches, quadrature encoder signals, PLC outputs, sensors, or many other signal types. The digital outputs can be connected to PLC inputs, counters, lights, relays, or other devices. The analog input accepts 0-5 VDC signals and can be used for velocity and position control. The TXM34IP-6DG comes with a fast 10/100 MBit Ethernet port for programming and EtherNet/IP communications. The same port also supports TCP and UDP protocols for sending commands from Applied Motion’s proprietary serial command language (SCL). As well as the popular Modbus/TCP protocol. All TXM34 models are RoHS compliant and meet IP65 standards to ensure reliable operation in wet and dusty installation environments.

What’s in the Box? TXM34IP-6DG integrated motor Quick Setup Guide (also available in Downloads) NOT included: DC power supply (required), see Power Supplies below Mating cables (required), see Accessories below Regen clamp (optional), see Accessories below Additional accessories available below.


More Information
ManufacturerApplied Motion Products
Communication/InterfaceEthernet, Ethernet Dual-Port, EtherNet/IP
FeedbackIntegral Encoder
Max Holding Torque (mNm)8,197.00
Max Holding Torque oz (in)1,161.00
Max Length (mm)203.20
Max Length (in)8.00
Min Operating Temperature (°C)0.00
Min Operating Temperature (°F)32.00
Max Operating Temperature (°C)85.00
Max Operating Temperature (°F)185.00
Shaft Diameter (mm)14.00
Shaft Diameter (in)0.55
Max Input Supply Voltage (VDC)70.00
Motor ConstructionHybrid Stepper
NEMA Frame Size34
Number of Axes1
Operating ModeAnalog Positioning, Analog Torque / Velocity, EtherNet/IP, Encoder Following, Q Programming, Streaming Commands, Step & Direction, Velocity Control, Modbus TCP
Rotor Inertia (oz-in-s²)0.05182
SetupSoftware Setup
Shaft OrientationIn-line,Double-ended (Encoder mounted)
Step Angle (°)1.8
Drive + Motor + Control Unit (Ethernet, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet Dual-Port), NEMA 34, 8197 mNm Holding Torque, Integral Encoder

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